The League of Dreams Mission
About the League of Dreams
The League of Dreams was created and founded in 2007 by Tim Terrio of TERRIO Physical Therapy and Fitness. What started as an idea became a reality very quickly, as in March 2007 the League of Dreams started its inaugural year with baseball, having less than 50 kids signed up. The league added basketball in the fall of 2007 to keep activities going, then was nominated and received the Beautiful Bakersfield Award for All American City Tradition, Civic/ Non- Profit. In 2012, with the help of county supervisor Mike Maggard and many other donors and community members, the League of Dreams opened Abilities Field, the very first adaptive baseball field in Bakersfield at Fruitvale Norris Park. In 2013, League of Dreams, with the help of a grant from the Adaptive Arthritis Associate, assisted with building the accessible playground that is in front of the baseball field.
The 2012 League of Dreams Baseball season had over 165 registered players after the announcement that the program would be free for all athletes with disabilities because of the fundraising efforts of former Chicago White Sox third baseman Brent Morel, a Bakersfield native, at the 1st Annual Gala and Auction event. In 2013, the league added Bowling season as the summer sport. The League began partnering with Kern Dance Alliance to add a dance program beginning in 2017.
To date the League of Dreams has served over 600 athletes with disabilities in Kern County.
The League of Dreams continues to fundraise enabling programs to stay at a very low cost for all their athletes. They also offer scholarships for those with financial hardships.
For more information on how you can become part of this dream please call (661) 616-9122 or email info@ourleagueofdreams.com.
Code of Ethics - Guiding Principles
- The primary responsibility of each facilitator (coach, angel, aide, parent, volunteer etc.) is to assist each athlete to reach his/her maximum level of performance and enjoyment of the team athletic experience.
- Each facilitator shall encourage hard work and honest effort that will lead to improved performance and participation
- Each facilitator shall treat all athletes with respect and dignity.
- Each facilitator shall work co-operatively with fellow facilitators.
- Each facilitator shall treat with respect the statements and actions of fellow facilitators and athletes.
- Each facilitator shall provide for the general welfare, safety, health and well being of the athletes.
- Each facilitator will respect the decisions of the referees/officials of all events.
- Each facilitator will set a good example for the athletes by exhibiting good behavior.
- Each facilitator will refrain from behaviors (drinking alcohol, smoking etc.) that are not inherently beneficial to the spirit and intent of League of Dreams during practices, competitions and events.
- Any conduct considered unethical and generally not in the spirit and intent of the founders for the League of Dreams shall be governed and or dealt with at their discretion.
The League Timeline

2020 - Fencing, Virtual Karate and Gymnastics Programs Added
January 2017 - Dance Program Added
March 2016 - Celebrated the 10th Year of League Sports
June 2013 - Inaugural Bowling Season
April 2012 - Ribbon Cutting of Abilities Field
January 2012 - Groundbreaking of Abilities Field
January 2012 - 1st Annual Brent Morel Gala and Auction
May 2010 - First Annual Golf Tournament
June 2008 - Received Beautiful Bakersfield Award
September 2007 - Inaugural Basketball Season
March 2007 - Inaugural Baseball Season
January 2007 - League of Dreams Created